After I read The Rack's last post, I had to go out and find this, and it made me SO happy. She's right. It pretty much encapsulates our awesomeness.
Also, has Aquafresh ever even READ this blog? Seriously. Can someone PLEASE make her take a look before I hoof it back to the mountain west?
On a more serious note, this has been a really weird few days for me. I felt like I had been doing an okay job with my new position, ESPECIALLY because I'd been thrown into the job without any real training and the training I DID receive was from a person who they felt wasn't doing a great job. Heck. All things considered, I felt like I'd done a good job given the hand I was dealt.
And now I'm being made to feel like I'm doing everything wrong. Why the hell are you even having me help train her when I'm clearly doing everything wrong? If you're going to sit here and be like "well, I don't know why you're having her do this" then let me go home. I've got other shit I could be doing right now, like sleeping or spending time with my friends.
I realize they're not in the best of situations either. They haven't kept a this position filled consistently for over a year now, and the job is such that there is a super steep learning curve - no one has really gotten into the rhythm of it until they'd been here at least a year. I get their frustration and that they can't necessarily spend time coddling me and holding my hand during the transition process. It would just be nice for them to acknowledge that I was doing the best I could given the situation, not that I was just doing things wrong because I was lazy or didn't care. Actually, I don't even care if they acknowledge that so much as I know they're aware of it. They don't even have to tell me.
I think I have this fear that they really do think I'm a failure and that I was doing everything wrong on purpose and just didn't care. Which is obviously not the case. as a grown-up is difficult sometimes.
PM out.