Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The One With the Text and the Epiphany

So I needed to share this with someone as I had an epiphany this morning.

Yesterday was a little rough. I felt so dissatisfied with my job and so many aspects of my life. I realized I really just want to find someone to share and plan my life with and was just plagued by this fear that 1) I was going to bounce around from job to job, never feeling satisfied and always thinking it was okay because I hadn't found my career yet, and then realizing I was 40 in a job I didn't like and I had wasted any and all potential and hadn't been able to pursue my dreams and 2) that were I to follow the plan I have laid out, that it would turn out I wasn't satisfied with it. That I would feel the same way about THAT job as I do about the one I have now.

Needless to say I was feeling a little hopeless. 

Oddly enough, I decided to text The Ex. It was the kind of conversation where having him listen and give advice would actually be really helpful. Plus I felt I could do this without attaching to him too strongly, especially because part of my frustrations had to do with 2 guys that were NOT him (more on them later…)

But I knew he had finals, and I also know him well enough to know that calling him while he was stressed about finals would not be good for either of us. So I texted him and asked what his schedule looked like, and he responded by saying he would be done Thursday. I asked how he was doing and his response was simple: I HATE LAW SCHOOL.

Now, I know this was a lie. I know him well enough to know what was going on in his head, so this is an abridged version of what I responded (when I finally woke up this morning and got his text):

I don’t believe it. I think you just hate finals, which is COMPLETELY legitimate. They’re challenging and they’re difficult and they force us to face the possibility of failure, which is always a terrifying thing. But this is your fourth round…and you’ve been improving so far…and you’re that much more likely to keep improving. Which is all we can hope for with challenging, difficult things that force us to face our shortcomings…

And then I realized that this was actually something that applied to me. This feeling of dissatisfaction and hating my job was coming from the same place as his hatred of finals. It was forcing me to face my shortcomings and it’s challenging and it’s difficult.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that things I dislike or drag my feet over come from 3 different places: fear of failure, not rewarding, or not challenging enough. In the case of my job, it’s the fear of failure and that it’s not rewarding. Now, it’s odd, because I know that part of why I don’t feel my job is rewarding is because I’m not fully committing to it because I’m afraid of failing. So I know they’re not mutually exclusive. And while this realization doesn't completely negate my fears, it helps me keep going through these next 3 months. I just have to recommit to the job – put all of myself into it so I will at least feel rewarded.

Happy finals week everyone!


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