Thursday, August 1, 2013

The One With the Quick Vent

First things first:

After I read The Rack's last post, I had to go out and find this, and it made me SO happy. She's right. It pretty much encapsulates our awesomeness.

Also, has Aquafresh ever even READ this blog? Seriously. Can someone PLEASE make her take a look before I hoof it back to the mountain west?

On a more serious note, this has been a really weird few days for me. I felt like I had been doing an okay job with my new position, ESPECIALLY because I'd been thrown into the job without any real training and the training I DID receive was from a person who they felt wasn't doing a great job. Heck. All things considered, I felt like I'd done a good job given the hand I was dealt.

And now I'm being made to feel like I'm doing everything wrong. Why the hell are you even having me help train her when I'm clearly doing everything wrong? If you're going to sit here and be like "well, I don't know why you're having her do this" then let me go home. I've got other shit I could be doing right now, like sleeping or spending time with my friends. 

I realize they're not in the best of situations either. They haven't kept a this position filled consistently for over a year now, and the job is such that there is a super steep learning curve - no one has really gotten into the rhythm of it until they'd been here at least a year. I get their frustration and that they can't necessarily spend time coddling me and holding my hand during the transition process. It would just be nice for them to acknowledge that I was doing the best I could given the situation, not that I was just doing things wrong because I was lazy or didn't care. Actually, I don't even care if they acknowledge that so much as I know they're aware of it. They don't even have to tell me. 

I think I have this fear that they really do think I'm a failure and that I was doing everything wrong on purpose and just didn't care. Which is obviously not the case. as a grown-up is difficult sometimes.

PM out.

Monday, July 29, 2013

So this is still a thing

Hey guess what, I'm rediscovering blogging. And as my gift to you on the eve of my return, I present the following.

Lest you had forgotten. You're welcome.

Also, PM will be home SO SOON. I'm really excited about all of us being in the same state for a while. A good, long while, damn it.

In other news, I recently finished reading Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? And Other Concerns by Mindy Kaling. I've already recommended it to PM, but it is hilarious and everyone needs to read it. Or at least find a copy and read her "Best Friend Rights and Responsibilities." They are perfect. They are us. You'll want to read the whole book after that, which would be an excellent decision. Do it. Do it now.

Much love.

- The Rack

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The One With the Text and the Epiphany

So I needed to share this with someone as I had an epiphany this morning.

Yesterday was a little rough. I felt so dissatisfied with my job and so many aspects of my life. I realized I really just want to find someone to share and plan my life with and was just plagued by this fear that 1) I was going to bounce around from job to job, never feeling satisfied and always thinking it was okay because I hadn't found my career yet, and then realizing I was 40 in a job I didn't like and I had wasted any and all potential and hadn't been able to pursue my dreams and 2) that were I to follow the plan I have laid out, that it would turn out I wasn't satisfied with it. That I would feel the same way about THAT job as I do about the one I have now.

Needless to say I was feeling a little hopeless. 

Oddly enough, I decided to text The Ex. It was the kind of conversation where having him listen and give advice would actually be really helpful. Plus I felt I could do this without attaching to him too strongly, especially because part of my frustrations had to do with 2 guys that were NOT him (more on them later…)

But I knew he had finals, and I also know him well enough to know that calling him while he was stressed about finals would not be good for either of us. So I texted him and asked what his schedule looked like, and he responded by saying he would be done Thursday. I asked how he was doing and his response was simple: I HATE LAW SCHOOL.

Now, I know this was a lie. I know him well enough to know what was going on in his head, so this is an abridged version of what I responded (when I finally woke up this morning and got his text):

I don’t believe it. I think you just hate finals, which is COMPLETELY legitimate. They’re challenging and they’re difficult and they force us to face the possibility of failure, which is always a terrifying thing. But this is your fourth round…and you’ve been improving so far…and you’re that much more likely to keep improving. Which is all we can hope for with challenging, difficult things that force us to face our shortcomings…

And then I realized that this was actually something that applied to me. This feeling of dissatisfaction and hating my job was coming from the same place as his hatred of finals. It was forcing me to face my shortcomings and it’s challenging and it’s difficult.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that things I dislike or drag my feet over come from 3 different places: fear of failure, not rewarding, or not challenging enough. In the case of my job, it’s the fear of failure and that it’s not rewarding. Now, it’s odd, because I know that part of why I don’t feel my job is rewarding is because I’m not fully committing to it because I’m afraid of failing. So I know they’re not mutually exclusive. And while this realization doesn't completely negate my fears, it helps me keep going through these next 3 months. I just have to recommit to the job – put all of myself into it so I will at least feel rewarded.

Happy finals week everyone!


Thursday, April 18, 2013

The One Where I'm Nostolgically Depressing

So here's the thing - I'm having a randomly hard time today and I'm not sure why. I realized it was exactly a year ago that I graduated from BYU. I've blundered my way through this last year and there has been so much that has changed since then. When I realized that it had been a year - an entire year - I started feeling a little weird. Then I saw this music video and it made me feel ever weirder. Even a little bit emotional.

So here it is - I'm going to be brave. It was exactly a year ago today that I took this picture:

This person was the most important person in my life. I was so glad he was there for me to share this day. We had been apart for 4 months and it had been hard, but we'd been reunited and I felt settled again. Things were still difficult (let's be honest, they were always at least a little difficult those few months) but they were back to normal. I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do in life and this person played a role in that - both in advice and in the desire to be close to him. A few hours after this picture was taken, he and I went to dinner with my parents, just the four of us. We spent some time together the next day, and then that evening, after he crashed my car and I went to spend time with my family, he connected with someone he would later date while lying to me about it for 2 months. Two months. Two months where he would continue to tell me how important I was and how much he cared about me. How excited he was to see me and how he wanted to share parts of his life with me and so he wished I was with him. And then to realize that he was saying the same things to someone else. That someone was making him happy in a way I had always wanted to but always felt lacking.
When I think about that now it makes me sick to my stomach. I feel betrayed and hurt and confused. Even a  year later I still have this reaction. It's a confusing mix of hatred and empathy. I've come a long way since this picture. I'm living in a new city with new friends a new job and new possibilities and new people I'm interested in. I don't even talk to him anymore.
I do, however, think about him everyday. I miss how he made me laugh and how he knew me so well. I can't help but wonder what it would have been like to have dated him when he was ready to be happy with one person. If he had been completey honest with me from the beginning. If I was a little more mature and able to realize he brought out my crazy, and be able to articulate what I was feeling as opposed to simply reacting. If we were able to start again.
But I don't know if that's possible. While I've moved past much of what happened, based on my reaction I'm clearly not over it entirely. I'm sure I'll get there eventually, but until that time I'm going to be brave and say what I need to - that he hurt me. Badly. And I deserve to be with someone who won't do that. I deserve to be loved and respected by someone who both makes me laugh and challenges me to think.
But for today, I hurt. I hurt and there's nothing wrong with that. I also love him and miss him. And I'm trying to figure out if that's okay too. But maybe for today it doesn't matter.

Monday, February 25, 2013

The One Where I Have a Meltdown

I would like to preface this by saying that I feel like I've done a good job up until now of holding my shit together. I mean, I'm in a new place, away from all my friends and family with no idea of when I will see them again, I'm in a new job with an indefinite future and indefinite professional prospects, living with a bunch of people that I can't be completely comfortable around and who are fairly transient so as to not inspire horrible amount of confiding confidence, and I'm realizing more and more that I'm also in a transient phase - in theory this if just a gap year, between when I graduated and when I go back and get my Master's degree.

So why the hell did I move out here?

One of my friends tried to say that we get a sense of fulfillment just by surviving out here, that making it day to day is a victory. But I don't feel that way. I want to go lay out by the lake and eat pineapple and get tan and run through the mountains. I want to stay up late and have stimulating conversations. I want to be the recipient of a hug that drains the unhappiness from me and makes me feel secure and like I don't have to be strong. I want to snuggle someone while I watch a movie and not worry about if they're comfortable with it or if they're reading into it more than they should or that they're not enjoying the movie. I just want to be happy with someone and be fulfilled by them. And this isn't even romantic. I just crave companionship. I have no one out here who makes me happy enough. No one that doesn't leave me feeling wanting - the missing parts are more apparent than the parts that are fulfilled.

I miss my Ex. I hate that fact and I hate admitting it. So much. I feel so weak when I say it, like one of those battered women that don't realize how poisonous their relationships are. But I miss that he and I were so comfortable together. That we had so much fun and he cared about me and my future and that he was willing to sit and listen to me and help me understand what I was thinking and feeling and that he knew me so well. He honestly knew so much about me - I showed him some of my deepest fears and insecurities and he accepted that and he loved me. Unfortunately, that last part is what allowed him to manipulate me the way I did. I realize he did it only to avoid his own guilt and to side-step the fear he was feeling. But still. I trusted him and he abused that. Yet he made me happy in ways that I didn't know I could be happy. He gave me the thought that I could be that happy with one person. Now I don't even have a conglomerate of people nearby that can make me that happy. Where I was 4 months ago, I did. In fact, the conglomerate of people I had around me made me happier than I was with the Ex.

So here I sit, financially strapped, professionally unfulfilled, and personally and emotionally starved. There's no real end in sight here. I'm just...existing. Floating. Aimless. Wandering. Torn between different possibilities and unsure of what I'm supposed to be doing or where I'm supposed to go. I'm 25 and have no discernible end goal or plan on how to get there. I vacillate between emptiness and anxiety. Sometimes with a little peppering of failure.

I don't know. I'm unsure of what my life will look like in a few months or where I'll be. I'm not even sure what I will be doing in the next 4 weeks.

I'm just trying to make it through without losing it and ruining any political ambitions I might have later on in life. I don't know. I'm just...meh

I'm done.

PM out.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

The one where I waste a whole day...

So I'm watching Pitch Perfect for about the millionth time right now rather than working/studying/cleaning/showering/etc. I guess it's a good thing there's nothing on Monday so I can play catch-up. I don't anticipate any shifts in my motivational trend in the near future. If it's any excuse, I'm pretty sure I'm PMSing, because I'm majorly tearing up during the Bellas' final song.

Side note, why are the guys that sing "The Final Countdown" wearing weird bathrobes? Am I missing a joke there?

I don't honestly have that much to say, but I've been such a failure at blogging since I've been home that I felt compelled to write something. I do think I could use some advice...

I need money. I'm burning through my savings at a slightly alarming rate and I just don't work enough to bring home the bacon. It's not that I can't get research hours - there's plenty to do - it's just that when my job feels a lot like school, it's hard to prioritize my job over homework/exams that have more definite deadlines. Suggestions? Times like these I really miss being a TA, where office hours generally meant doing homework and answering the question of the occasional student.

And I know the holiday is technically over, but I thought these were pretty brilliant on the RNC's part -

Love you ladies.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The One Where I Get Into a Facebook Smackdown

So this is what happened today. I went to bed after teasing one of my friends for a status update and this is what I woke up to. My last comment was just barely added.

Thoughts on the situation? Was I really that out of line and offensive?

SOTU (eye roll).

  • MS In all fairness... I didn't care to watch or listen.
    8 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1

  • Paul Mitchell:  Oh my gosh. You are not allowed to eye roll as you did not watch or listen.  Just as bad as those people who complain about the state of politics and don't vote...
    8 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1

  • DW ^ That's like saying that people who don't take drugs can't comment on whether or not to make them illegal.

  • Paul Mitchell: 
    No, it would be like people who don't take drugs complaining about how drugs are horrible and SHOULD be illegal - but not doing anything about it.
    8 hours ago via mobile · Like

  • MS: 
    I've heard plenty from the twitter verse and FB world. He isn't a leader if American principles. Complain all you want, I'm confidant I've done more than vote.
    8 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1

  • Paul Mitchell: 
    I could even go for people who don't do drugs and don't care to learn at all about drugs - including the negatives of them - and then saying they should be illegal. Or saying any number of things should be illegal like gay marriage or guns without being educated as to why. All similar.
    8 hours ago via mobile · Like

  • MS: 
    Really? You have no effing idea who I am, what I know, sacrifices I've made.
    8 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1

  • MS 
    I can do, think or say whatever the heck I want. God Bless America and the First Amendment!
    8 hours ago via mobile · Like

  • JH 
    well I think you can not listen and still have the same opinion. He does the same thing with each speech. He talks in broad strokes, make lots of promises he can't keep and blames everyone else for the troubles we have. His solution is also always the same. Government can and should help solve all of the challenges in our lives..and nothing of what he promises will get anywhere. Remember the Health care speech. When given even if you combined all plans on the table, they did not do what he said they would and what was passed looks nothing like what he promised. Only want to raise taxes on the rich but raises them for all cause he robbed Social Security a year before. than says we have to avoid spending cuts after his large tax increase just last month and the way to be responsible is not to cut spending, but now he wants tax reform to close tax loopholes and do what as a result...that's right raise taxes. Same story different day.
    8 hours ago · Unlike · 3

  • MWS: 
    Paul Mitchell, I too don't ever deserve to be compared to someone who complains and does nothing. I have worked on campaigns since I was 16. The truth is that I have sat through Pres. Obama's addresses, his comments, his debates, and I have even read most of his book, "The Audacity of Hope," and I merely cannot take it anymore. The man is not serious about leading, he never has been, and all indicators that I have lead me to believe the he won't improve in his second term. I could go on and on, but suffice it to say, unlike Chris Matthews, I don't get a chill that runs up my leg when the Pres. speaks. No, for me, whatever Pres. Obama says is irrelevant next to his actions, and his SOTU will not change in anyway his failures as President since January 20, 2009.
    7 hours ago · Like · 4

  • MS: 
    Amen, MSW! Amen and Amen!!!!!
    7 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1

  • MS 
    On the illegal drug issue. Are you a avid drug user? Marijuana? That may explain things.
    7 hours ago via mobile · Like

  • Michelle - you're really bringing some good issues and lucid arguments to the table. I'm shocked that Jillian isn't chomping at the bit to talk with you.
    7 hours ago via mobile · Like

  • ASB 
    MWS, I'm not sure it's fair to say a man whose taken the trouble to run for and win 2 presidential elections is not serious about leading. He just has a different vision of America than you. He's leading it in a direction you're not happy with, that's okay for you to disagree with that, but don't say he isn't serious or working hard to lead for a vision of America that he believes in. I don't necessarily agree with him either (on a lot of things), but your language seems pretty harsh and ad hominem when there are plenty of substantive issues to focus criticism on. I mean even if you agree with his vision/grand statements there's criticism for the fact that his strategy has been flawed and he's been poor at managing the politics (especially with congress). But I'd certainly say he's serious about leading...just maybe not the best at it...and maybe not leading where I'd like him to.
    5 hours ago · Like · 1

  • Paul Mitchell:

     Wow. Clearly some people are feeling a little aggressive and jumping to all sorts of conclusions. 

    First off, MS, I never actually addressed any of my comments to you, so I'm sorry that you chose to be offended by them and in turn attempt to att
    ack me personally. And you're right, you can think or say whatever you want. If you go back and look, you'll see I never said you couldn't, just like I never said you were an irresponsible citizen for not voting. But keep in mind that, likewise, you know nothing about me other than that I'm friends with a few of your friends on Facebook and have a great sense of humor (that is, assuming you read my quote page. Some of those are quite funny.) However, I'm not going to hold this against you. You obviously care a great deal about things. Great. I do too. And believe it or not, our beliefs are probably quite similar. So how about you stop attacking me and take a bit out of the other guy?

    JH, I actually have a lot of respect for you and what you said as well. And I agree, in many ways, the speech was more of the same (though I must say I personally enjoyed the head nods to states rights he threw in while talking about Head Start). However, you KNOW that because you listened to it. Yes, you could come to that same assumption based on past speeches, however, having watched it and listened to it you actually know that it was. Your thoughts on the speech were based on an interpretation of the actual text as opposed to interpretation of previous texts or someone else's interpretation. And as I learned from my "liberal education" received at BYU, primary sources are always better than secondary sources, just as the source is always a better indicator of what the source says than what came before or after. Yes, you can extrapolate and assume, but why would you when you have the source readily available? As the aforementioned Facebook post is about THIS SOTU I'll put more weight in a persons' opinion who actually watched it as opposed to didn't - even if that person has a lot of background reading and previous experience. I feel like doing so is like it's vocally complaining about the local branch of a chain restaurant just because you didn't like the other locations. You can choose not to eat there, you may choose to tell some friends not to eat there, but you shouldn't act as an authority on how horrible this specific location is when you've never actually stepped foot in it or put their food in your mouth. (There I go again with the analogies. Please don't think I'm comparing you to uneducated food critics now.)

    MWS, I'm not sure exactly where to start, though I will say I have a huge desire to push you off your soapbox to stop your chest-thumping. You waving your CV at me is not going to change what I said, mostly because I've seen it already. I expect more from you as a political peer and a close friend. What I posted was simply poking fun at you (hence the  face), not all that different than what I said and did last night when you were over at my house and I was watching the SOTU. For you to suddenly get offended is a little baffling. I can handle this kind of misinterpretation from someone who doesn't know me at all, but from someone I've spent hours talking with about political issues and otherwise, it's a little bit more difficult to shrug off. If you feel like we need more clarification on this issue, text or call me. Or we can talk about it tonight before dinner. Okay?

    Thank you all for weighing in. I hope each and every one of you has a fabulous day.