So the other night, Trader Joes didn't have any 1% milk. This would not have been a problem before the Captain (which is what I've decided - with no help from either of you - to call the boy. There's a story there if you're wondering) and I started buying milk together, since my family used to only buy 2%. But the Captain prefers 1%, and now I've become accustomed to that. This is not to say that I won't drink anything else, but given the choice I will not buy anything else. So, rather than suck it up at TJ's and buy 2%, I bought vanilla soy milk. Maybe I'm turning into a hippie too, Paul Mitchell... I'm currently eating a bowl of Organic Mango Granola with Organic Vanilla Soy Milk. So that's happening.
Also, everyone here complains. All the time. The kids from Utah complain that cities out here are dirty, or that people do gross things (like spit while they're running, which runners do EVERYWHERE btw). The kids who have traveled a lot complain that the metro isn't as nice as the London subway system. Everyone complains about how expensive everything is, or about the weather, or about how the cliques that are forming at the BC. I just want to scream at everyone to get over themselves and enjoy the semester. So I've decided to do just that. However, by not complaining, I've turned into a terrible gossip who talks about everyone who complains. It's a problem. I guess there is one good thing that comes from this...
but I'm making friends in all the wrong ways. Maybe not all the wrong ways; I think there are a few people that genuinely like me because I'm awesome. Others, though, I've definitely joined forces with because I'm willing to hate on everyone else. Help?
On to more positive things. Philadelphia last weekend was awesome! (It was another thing a lot of people complained about, but I had a great time. You may have noticed this from my photos.) This weekend I went to Ocean City, MD and played in the ocean and built sand castles and ate seafood and bought a silly touristy sweater and enjoyed the day with three of mis amigos. I really enjoyed this small group trip on which I was beholden to no one's plans but my own. Sometimes it's nice being the girl who's kind of a loner and who hangs
out with whoever she wants instead of following the Planners around. I'm
pretty sick of Planners and their schedules. I am perfectly content meandering around on my own, or with three other cool people, without any plan at all. And I don't think I'm missing out on anything by operating this way. So here's a shot of the beach crew I had a great time with yesterday.
Anywho, I still have sand in my hair because I got home and passed out last night. I'll have to tell you more about the whole day later, but right now I desperately need to shower and wash sheets/towels/everything.
Love and miss you bunches! Let's skype or do a google hangout or something soon, mmkay? Sweet.
- The Rack
Someday-- I am going to do something fantastic with my life, and everyone will hate me for it.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
The One Where I Decide to Quit Politics
I never thought I'd come to this. I am seriously so burnt out. SO burnt out. I hate dealing with people. Political people, non-political people, stupid people - just people.
I especially hate that you can't trust political people - be it politician or people who work in politics. You never know if they actually like you, if they actually think you're funny and enjoy your company, or if they're doing what they need to to use you and keep you as a networking option. Which isn't to say that I haven't ever done this, because I have. But it makes me feel horrible. What makes me feel even worse is that nagging feeling that you have sometimes in the back of your mind when you can't help but wonder what these people are saying about you while you're gone, if they talk about you as ruthlessly as they talk about others while you're around. They're catty and petty, with very little real, deep, meaningful feelings for anyone. Why do you think there's so much infidelity amongst politicos?
Also, I hate making phone calls. HATE IT. I hate when people don't listen, when they just assume they know everything I'm saying and refuse to see the fact that I'm actually a human being who has a brain as opposed to some evil force that is trying to trick them into believing something they don't want and will take up an entire precious 60 seconds of their time that they will never get back.
I'm tired of hearing rhetoric. Of cheering on candidates and watching them screw things up, or say things that are disingenuous, or hear themselves say things that are disingenuous so many times that they begin to believe their own half-truths as realities. And that you never hear them acknowledge anything good about their opponents or anyone on the opposing side - and what's worse, I hate that we, the American people, are the ones who have made them that way and have encouraged their behavior.
I just got done watching an hour of debates between the UT-04 candidates, and I'm done. I'm done with the people who think they know things about politics when they don't actually use their brains because their minds are too closed and having to think would be scary. They'd rather two-dimensionalize and demonize "the other" than take the time to realize that this "other" is an actual person with actual views.
And isn't that what politics is about, nowadays? A popularity contest? A new sporting event where we pick our favorite teams and root for them? Make excuses for them when they fail? Get angry if they compromise with the other team?
So here it is. I'm quitting politics. I am hanging up my Politico hat, erasing the Washington Post, Politico, Salt Lake Tribune, and The Hill apps from my phone. I am quitting my job, removing all of my political Google alerts, refusing to look at my blackberry, and unliking all of the politicians on Facebook.
At least for tonight. Tonight, I am quitting politics, eating cereal and ice cream, and watching chick-flicks from the early 90s. The rest of the world can suck it. I'll return to it tomorrow.
-Paul Mitchell
P.S. This is how I feel right now. I am the dog. Politicians/politicos are the owner:
I especially hate that you can't trust political people - be it politician or people who work in politics. You never know if they actually like you, if they actually think you're funny and enjoy your company, or if they're doing what they need to to use you and keep you as a networking option. Which isn't to say that I haven't ever done this, because I have. But it makes me feel horrible. What makes me feel even worse is that nagging feeling that you have sometimes in the back of your mind when you can't help but wonder what these people are saying about you while you're gone, if they talk about you as ruthlessly as they talk about others while you're around. They're catty and petty, with very little real, deep, meaningful feelings for anyone. Why do you think there's so much infidelity amongst politicos?
Also, I hate making phone calls. HATE IT. I hate when people don't listen, when they just assume they know everything I'm saying and refuse to see the fact that I'm actually a human being who has a brain as opposed to some evil force that is trying to trick them into believing something they don't want and will take up an entire precious 60 seconds of their time that they will never get back.
I'm tired of hearing rhetoric. Of cheering on candidates and watching them screw things up, or say things that are disingenuous, or hear themselves say things that are disingenuous so many times that they begin to believe their own half-truths as realities. And that you never hear them acknowledge anything good about their opponents or anyone on the opposing side - and what's worse, I hate that we, the American people, are the ones who have made them that way and have encouraged their behavior.
I just got done watching an hour of debates between the UT-04 candidates, and I'm done. I'm done with the people who think they know things about politics when they don't actually use their brains because their minds are too closed and having to think would be scary. They'd rather two-dimensionalize and demonize "the other" than take the time to realize that this "other" is an actual person with actual views.
And isn't that what politics is about, nowadays? A popularity contest? A new sporting event where we pick our favorite teams and root for them? Make excuses for them when they fail? Get angry if they compromise with the other team?
So here it is. I'm quitting politics. I am hanging up my Politico hat, erasing the Washington Post, Politico, Salt Lake Tribune, and The Hill apps from my phone. I am quitting my job, removing all of my political Google alerts, refusing to look at my blackberry, and unliking all of the politicians on Facebook.
At least for tonight. Tonight, I am quitting politics, eating cereal and ice cream, and watching chick-flicks from the early 90s. The rest of the world can suck it. I'll return to it tomorrow.
-Paul Mitchell
P.S. This is how I feel right now. I am the dog. Politicians/politicos are the owner:
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
In Other News...
This man
is a U.S. Congressman.
My jaw dropped when my sassy-gay-but-straight friend showed this to me and a couple of the other girls tonight. Wowza.
Meet Representative Aaron Schock, a Republican from Illinois, who has also been deemed "America's Fittest Congressman" by Men's Health magazine. He graced the cover.
Oddly enough, I think this is my favorite picture of him.
Apparently I'm that big a nerd. Sight-seeing trip to Capitol Hill, anyone?
Love ya!
- The Rack
is a U.S. Congressman.
My jaw dropped when my sassy-gay-but-straight friend showed this to me and a couple of the other girls tonight. Wowza.
Meet Representative Aaron Schock, a Republican from Illinois, who has also been deemed "America's Fittest Congressman" by Men's Health magazine. He graced the cover.
Oddly enough, I think this is my favorite picture of him.
Apparently I'm that big a nerd. Sight-seeing trip to Capitol Hill, anyone?
Love ya!
- The Rack
I Hate Name-tags
There. I said it. I hate them with a passion. I hate feeling
pressured to have good handwriting, and I hate that there is NO
non-awkward place to put a name-tag on a woman's body. Not one. For your
reading pleasure, the following are the ridiculous instances in which I
have had to wear name-tags in the past three weeks.
Before I dive into what else has been going on here, I'm going to rant for a second. My boy (who I can't think of a code name for... suggestions?) received a dinner invite from his brother - A - for this evening. Cool. But then he found out that his other brother - B - and sister in law would not be there. Whatever. But then he found out that the reason B and his wife would not be there was because A's wife's cousin and HER roommate were coming over, and A and his wife thought it would be cool for my boy to go hang out with them. EXCUSE ME? I'm sure they didn't mean anything by it but let's face it, my boyfriend is an attractive guy, and girls suck; therefore I really don't like where that was going. My boy turned down the invitation because he was uncomfortable with the idea too, but really. Who invites a guy with a girlfriend over to hang out with two single girls? Gah...
In other news, I've been really busy lately. Work is going really well though, and my boss frequently buys lunch for the office, so I definitely can't complain there. Also, there are lots of exciting things happening here all the time. We went to the H street festival yesterday. That was cool, very diverse. I got gelati (Italian ice + custard), saw a break dance fight, and had my fortune told (see facebook photos).
On Friday I got to go to the Botanic Gardens, which, in case you were wondering, is a sample of what my heaven looks like (also I've given up on total anonymity because I love this picture).
I also went and wandered around Adams Morgan Friday night. I found a cool thrift store, and a really neat antiques shop.
Also, PM, thanks for the falafel suggestion! That was the real reason we went up to Adams Morgan in the first place :)
On Thursday I went on a bit of a shopping spree. I found some fantastic stuff and spent a significant amount of money. It's a good thing my internship is paid... Or maybe it's a bad thing...
Finally, I've found that I tend to be slightly monochromatic. Not really, but I have an awful lot of things in this color or some variation of it:
Anywho, I love and miss you all. Sorry I can't go rock climbing with you. I hope all is well back home!
- The Rack
p.s. - I'd like to dedicate this post to a certain quarterback who gave me several heart attacks last night, threw away the game, salvaged it from the trash, and could have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that pesky goal post. Missed it by an inch...
- First day of class at the BC.
- Institute; weeks one and two.
- Name-tag Sunday, the only thing I have been displeased with about my new ward (really, the only thing. Relief Society out here is incredible! I actually look forward to it. And the high council speaker in sacrament today was awesome. He confessed to being a metal head and I think my heart grew two sizes during that talk).
- The Relief Society Appreciation Dinner sponsored by our EQ (I felt like that was a plot to give the guys an excuse to check us out, aka "appreciate" us. But also, none of them would have known our names, and as such their appreciation would have seemed rather disengenuous, had we not had name-tags... It was a lose-lose scenario).
Before I dive into what else has been going on here, I'm going to rant for a second. My boy (who I can't think of a code name for... suggestions?) received a dinner invite from his brother - A - for this evening. Cool. But then he found out that his other brother - B - and sister in law would not be there. Whatever. But then he found out that the reason B and his wife would not be there was because A's wife's cousin and HER roommate were coming over, and A and his wife thought it would be cool for my boy to go hang out with them. EXCUSE ME? I'm sure they didn't mean anything by it but let's face it, my boyfriend is an attractive guy, and girls suck; therefore I really don't like where that was going. My boy turned down the invitation because he was uncomfortable with the idea too, but really. Who invites a guy with a girlfriend over to hang out with two single girls? Gah...
In other news, I've been really busy lately. Work is going really well though, and my boss frequently buys lunch for the office, so I definitely can't complain there. Also, there are lots of exciting things happening here all the time. We went to the H street festival yesterday. That was cool, very diverse. I got gelati (Italian ice + custard), saw a break dance fight, and had my fortune told (see facebook photos).
On Friday I got to go to the Botanic Gardens, which, in case you were wondering, is a sample of what my heaven looks like (also I've given up on total anonymity because I love this picture).
I also went and wandered around Adams Morgan Friday night. I found a cool thrift store, and a really neat antiques shop.
Also, PM, thanks for the falafel suggestion! That was the real reason we went up to Adams Morgan in the first place :)
On Thursday I went on a bit of a shopping spree. I found some fantastic stuff and spent a significant amount of money. It's a good thing my internship is paid... Or maybe it's a bad thing...
Finally, I've found that I tend to be slightly monochromatic. Not really, but I have an awful lot of things in this color or some variation of it:
Anywho, I love and miss you all. Sorry I can't go rock climbing with you. I hope all is well back home!
- The Rack
p.s. - I'd like to dedicate this post to a certain quarterback who gave me several heart attacks last night, threw away the game, salvaged it from the trash, and could have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that pesky goal post. Missed it by an inch...
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
I had a really great post in mind, but I think I'll just write instead.
I'm currently watching the BYU vs. UofU game. Well, sort of watching. Me and my roommates are going to watch "When Harry Met Sally" in the next little bit. "Guru" might come over and watch it with us. My roommates tried to tell me that our friendship is like the beginning part of a romantic comedy, specifically like that of "When Harry Met Sally." I can't say I disagree, nor can I say I haven't had that thought myself from time to time. That being said, I don't think he and I will turn out like Harry and Sally. I don't know the equivalent of what we'll turn out to as I'd like to think of the two of us staying in contact, but I've yet to maintain contact with any of the guy friends I've had in my life.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 hours later ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
BYU lost. I'm only sad about this because the more I am exposed to them the more I dislike U fans. They were the equivalent of the Dems at the BYU debate.
That being said, we are now watching "When Harry Met Sally." If you haven't seen this movie, you should. For Alissa and Mallory, this movie is rated R. If you would like to watch it, it is rated R for 4 f-words which I can censor. It is amazing and is honestly the best romantic comedy in the history of the genre. It is, in my opinion, the romantic comedy that all romantic comedies should be compared to, mostly because it provides insight into relationships between men and women in a way you usually don't see.
Anyway, that being said, I'm realizing that Guru and I really ARE Harry and Sally in SO many ways. I realized this during the scene where it shows them talking on the phone in their separate apartments about their past relationships. But while Harry and Sally end up together *spoiler alert!!!* I don't think me and Guru will. There's the issue of timing as well as the vibe I get that he's interested in me as a person and a support, but nothing romantically, and honestly I'm not curious or interested enough to exert the energy to pursue a relationship, especially because of that him-having-no-romantic-interest thing.
That being said, I miss having someone and having someone to reach out and touch. And not even romantically. I miss cuddling with people, laying by someone and knowing they're right there, having my hair played with. It's something I used to do a lot but have sort of been doing less and less now that I, you know, live far away from my friend.
By the way, I'm failing at the diet thing. I'm buckling down two fold tomorrow though. Also, I will post pictures of Baby (my Subaru Outback) in the near future, along with some of the art-work I've recently dropped a bundle on. Me and my roommates are trying to decorate our house now that the old roommate moved out and took all of her art. The house is going to look wonderful once it's completed. Which means you ladies need to come up and see me! Possibly this Friday, as it's late-night rock-climbing down in Sandy. From 10pm-2am you can rock-climb for $5!! I'm so stoked. I was considering asking Guru to go with me, but having GNC and Aquafresh there instead would be much cooler. Granted, it would be cooler if the Rack could be there too, but nooooOOOOOoooo, she's off having wonderful adventures...
I want to hear more about them, by the way!! Oh, and if you want to keep your ears open for anyone discussing job opening on the Hill, specifically as a scheduler or staff assistant, let me know! I'm itching to get out to DC for good!'s late and I've got to get to bed. I love you, ladies! I hope everything is going well for all of you!
-Paul Mitchell
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Blisters and Blessings
It's been a very eventful week. I've discovered that couple different things happen to you when you have eventful weeks: you get blisters and you learn to notice your blessings.
Allow me to extend this bit of profundity.
Love you ladies!
- The Rack
Allow me to extend this bit of profundity.
- Blister: Humidity. My hair does not like the humidity. Back home, my hair will curl or straighten or whatever I want. Not so much when I'm swimming around the city (see halo of frizz, right). Also, the laundry that insists upon being line dried never dries. This is mildly absurd.
- Blessing: Free Stuff. The week has been full of random free activities in which to participate and food of which to partake. Last night I saw a Shakespeare play for free (All's Well That Ends Well, in case you were wondering). I've been to a free concert, had free meals, and seen a couple free museum exhibits. So. Great.
- Blister: Swollen Ankles. Yes. I am a 60 year old woman so my ankles apparently swell a lot when I change altitudes and humidity levels... Fun experience.
- Blessing: The Metro. The less walking I had to do while my ankles were swollen, the better.
- Blister: Tiny Shower. (See previous post).
- Blessing: Mini Fridge. I love not sharing space with the 20 other girls on my floor. It's the greatest. I'm fine sharing space with Toly, she doesn't take up much and she's clean. She probably deserves her own list item.
- Blessing: My Roommate. I'm so glad I'm sharing this room with a girl I can stand. I am continually reminded that there aren't all that many of those in the world. Toly and I have a lot in common, and we can share clothes and shoes. I just doubled my wardrobe.
- Blister: My Roommate. In the interest of fairness, I should say that it's not all sunshine and rainbows with this girl. In fact, it's the opposite. Toly is great for the most part... but she complains A LOT. She complains enough that I feel like she's complaining a lot, which should tell you something. And it's usually about trivial things, like how one of the guys dresses, or how one of the girls is always all over the guys, or how it's sooooo hot, or how her feet hurt, etc.
- Blessing: Isosceles, My Smartphone. Whether I'm trying not to get lost, trying to find somewhere to eat, talking to the Charmer (which is what I've decided to call my boy for several reasons I can explain later if you so require), or planning what time I need to get to the metro to get to work on-time, I am eternally grateful that I have Isosceles as my loyal companion.
- Blister: Getting Callings. Don't get me wrong, callings are great. I'm actually pretty excited. But you gotta love that awkward moment when your name gets called and you stand, and suddenly every eye in the congregation is on you. Immediately. And today was not a particularly pretty day. Just sayin'.
- Blessing: Team Building Volleyball. I got paid to play volleyball with my coworkers as a team-building activity. I love my life.
- Blister: Actual, Physical Blisters. I am going to need a pedicure so bad by the time I'm done here... My feet are not the biggest fan of this city, or my activities of late. Hopefully now that my swelling has gone down, this will get better.

Love you ladies!
- The Rack
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